+44 (0)121 608 2229
Iyengar Yoga Certified Teacher
Schedule and Events

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The deadline for booking any class is 8am on the day of your chosen class.

Please declare any medical conditions with your teacher prior to booking any class.

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Schedule and Events

Price List from January 2024

Beginner Level and Mixed Ability Classes
£12 Live or Online (Online with Jayne’s classes only)

Pre-book only

2 hour intermediate Classes
£14 Live or Online (Online with Jayne only)

Pre-book only

Iyengar Yoga for back problems
£15 drop in or 10 wk card (£120)

drop in or pre-book

Teachers Advanced Class
£18 Live or Online

Pre-book only

Foundation Course
£65 for 6 weeks or £45 for 1 hour class

Pre-book only

Private Tuition in person or online
£60 per class

pre-book only and payment non-refundable if cancelled less than 24 hours before.

Schedule and Events


Teachers/ Trainees Only - Summer Intensive - with Jayne Orton

  • Start Date: 01/08/2024
  • End Date: 05/08/2024
  • Start Time: 3:30 pm
  • Finish Time: 3:00 pm
  • Cost: £240 - EVENT NOW FULL - Wait list only.

Full detailed timetable to follow at a later date but first class is Thursday 1st August at 3.30pm and course will end on Monday 5th August at 3.pm. We shall be studying Asanas from all levels of the syllabus, pranayama, philosophy and simple therapy useful for regular general classes. To book a place please send fees to :
Jayne Orton Yoga Ltd.
Sort code 20-08-64,
Account no: 83532151
Swift Bic: BUKBGB22
Iban: GB31 BUKB 2008 6483532151

Foundation Course for complete beginners

  • Start Date: 09/09/2024
  • End Date: 14/10/2024
  • Start Time: 4:45 pm
  • Finish Time: 6:15 pm
  • Cost: £65

A six week introduction to Iyengar Yoga for Complete beginners taught by Jayne Orton and Andrew Hall. We will cover the basics of the method plus a background into the philosophy behind it. Individual health issues and injuries can be catered for. To book please send your payment to :
Sort Code 09-06-66
Account no. 41705201

Please email us with your full details to info@iyengaryoga.uk.com


  • Start Date: 12/09/2024
  • End Date: 17/10/2024
  • Start Time: 4:15 pm
  • Finish Time: 5:30 pm
  • Cost: £15 drop in or 10 class card (£120)

This ongoing class is for either new or existing students and is tailored specifically to help with back problems of all kind either serious or non-serious. The class is taught by Jayne Orton & Andrew Hall and assistants. Please email us if you have a more serious condition. You can either book a 10 week block of classes for £120 or pay weekly on arrival (£15). To book a 10 week block please send £120 to:

Sort code 09-06-66
Account no. 41705201 (please note the 10 wk card is only used for this class)

Exchange of Learning (EL) Day 2025 - Yoga For All Ages

  • Start Date: 04/01/2025
  • End Date: 04/01/2025
  • Start Time: 1:00 pm
  • Finish Time: 6:30 pm
  • Cost: £35

This year Teachers/trainees will explore the practice of Yoga throughout life and the aim of the workshop is to discuss ways of working with students at all stages of life. The day is led by Jayne Orton
To book a place please send payment to:
Sort code 09-06-66
Account no: 41705201

at the time of booking please email us at info@iyengaryoga.uk.com so we can confirm your place and send some essential notes for the day.

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