Click “Book Now” to book a class.
The deadline for booking any class is 8am on the day of your chosen class.
Please declare any medical conditions with your teacher prior to booking any class.

Price List from January 2025
Pre-book only
Pre-book only
drop in or pre-book
Pre-book only
Pre-book only with Andrew or Clare
pre-book only and payment non-refundable if cancelled less than 24 hours before.

EASTER WEEKEND Intensive with Jayne Orton
- Start Date: 18/04/2025
- End Date: 21/04/2025
- Start Time: 9:30 am
- Finish Time: 3:30 pm
- Cost: course now full

4 Day intensive for all levels of students including teachers and trainees. (Apart from complete beginners).There will be 2 sessions per day 9.30-3.30pm with a break in between. Light snacks and hot drinks will be provided. The course will provide Asana practice, Pranayama, Patanjali study.
Jayne Orton Yoga Ltd.
Sort Code; 20-08-64
Account no: 83532151
Swift Bic: BUKBGB22
IBAN: GB31 BUKB 2008 6483 5321 51
Please email jayne@iyengaryoga.uk.com to inform you are booking and to ask any queries or enquire about accommodation if you are outside the Midlands.
NEW !....TEACHER'S ADVANCED LEVEL WORKSHOPS on Saturdays (in Studio only)
- Start Date: 17/05/2025
- End Date: 17/05/2025
- Start Time: 2:00 pm
- Finish Time: 5:00 pm
- Cost: £36

These Advanced workshops are taught by Jayne Orton and are for all levels of Iyengar yoga teachers, trainees are also invited to attend. These workshops will be intensive sessions covering mainly levels 2,3 & 4 of the RIMYI syllabus. Each workshop will be followed by tea/coffee/snacks where teachers can socialise in the friendly atmosphere of the Institute to discuss yoga further and to ask any questions.
Further dates planned are:
5th July
27th September
13th December
To book please send payment of £36 to:
Jayne Orton Yoga Ltd.
Sort Code; 20-08-64
Account no: 83532151
Swift Bic: BUKBGB22
IBAN: GB31 BUKB 2008 6483 5321 51
A Teachers Summer Intensive with Jayne Orton
- Start Date: 31/07/2025
- End Date: 04/08/2025
- Start Time: 3:30 pm
- Finish Time: 3:00 pm
- Cost: £240

An 5 Day intensive for all levels of Iyengar Yoga Teachers including trainees.. Each day will include asanas from levels 1-4 and pranayama and philosophical aspects. There will also be some theraputic studies.
If you would like to book a place please send full payment to:
Jayne Orton Yoga Ltd.
Sort Code; 20-08-64
Account no: 83532151
Swift Bic: BUKBGB22
IBAN: GB31 BUKB 2008 6483 5321 51
A full detailed timetable will be available nearer the time. Some suggestions on accommodation can also be given for those of you from outside the Midlands.
Enquiries to info@iyengaryoga.uk.com